“I’m a Christian, but I don’t need the church,” is an opinion many people hold. And, who could blame them, given the amount of nonsense in the American religious landscape? But the New Testament could not be clearer: Christians need the church.
Do We Need the Church?
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Tagsdo i need to go to church do i need to go to church every sunday do i need to go to church to be a christian do i need to go to church to be saved do i need to go to church to believe in god do i need to go to church to go to heaven do i really need to go to church do you have to go to church hebrews 10 vs 23-25 hebrews 10 vs 24-25 hebrews 10 vs 25 what does hebrews 10 25 mean why do i need to go to church why do i need to go to church as a christian