Jesus challenges us to aspire to greater righteousness in the Sermon on the Mount. He sets the bar by saying we must strive to a righteousness greater than the scribes and Pharisees, the most orthodox members of the first-century Jewish community. He assures us, however, that this greater righteousness does not destroy the Law and the Prophets, it fulfills it.
A Greater Righteousness
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CategoriesChristian Character Spirituality and Morality
Tagsdestroy the law does jot and tittle mean God gods righteousness Gospel greater covenant greater righteousness Jesus jot and tittle jot and tittle bible verse jot and tittle in the bible jot and tittle matthew jot and tittle meaning jot and tittle scripture jot and tittle verse Love matthew 5:20 not come to destroy the law not to destroy the law but to fulfill it righteousness righteousness greater than pharisees the gospel whats expected of christians